Our commitment to plastic reduction
In a world where sustainability becomes crucial, at the Hotel Bell Repòs we promote the “Stop Platic Pollution” project, against plastic pollution.
Our commitment to plastic reduction is based on our determined approach that demonstrates how companies can make a difference by adopting more responsible practices.
From eliminating plastic packaging to promoting eco-friendly alternatives, we strive to be an example of how tourism can be sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Elimination of plastic packaging
We have committed to abolishing the sale of disposable plastic drinks, so we have not sold any soft drinks in plastic containers in the entire 2022 season, nor 2023 nor thereafter.
In this sense, the data is spectacular since compared to the 2016 season where we sold a total of 6,020 bottles of water and soft drinks, until this year we have managed not to sell any and therefore we have also significantly reduced plastic waste. of our environment.
Sustainable alternatives for customers
To make it easier for our customers to make an eco-friendly option, we have made free glass bottles available to fill with fresh, filtered tap water. This initiative not only reduces plastic waste, but also promotes a more sustainable lifestyle.
Use of reusable water bottles
In addition, we have given our staff personalized thermal refillable bottles with their name, which preserve the freshness of the water and are for sale to customers at our reception.
As a result, this 2023 we will allocate €1 from the sale of each refillable bottle to a sustainability project.
Sustainability project
We are very proud of the involvement and active participation of our staff, so they will be the ones who decide which sustainable organization the donation will go to, thus consolidating our commitment to the environment and social causes.
Likewise, this action continues with the fact that by not producing waste in the form of plastic containers, we ensure that this plastic will not end up in the sea, harming marine flora and fauna and marine ecosystems.
The Mediterranean Sea is becoming a dangerous plastic trap, reaching record levels of contamination by microplastics, it has become a real threat to marine species and human health.
Impact of Plastic in the Mediterranean Sea
A new report entitled “Un parany de plàstic. Alliberant de plàstic la Mediterrània”highlights the dramatic effects that the excessive use of plastics is having in one of the most visited regions in the world.
In conclusion, the data shows that 95% of the waste that appears in the Mediterranean is plastic, with most of it coming from countries such as Turkey, Spain, Italy, Egypt and France. This threat not only affects marine species, but also endangers sectors such as tourism and fishing.
Large pieces of plastic harm, suffocate and even kill marine animals, including endangered and protected species such as sea turtles and monk seals.
1.25 million fragments per kilometer in the Mediterranean Sea
However, it is the microplastics, the smallest fragments, that have reached record levels of concentration: 1.25 million fragments per kilometer in the Mediterranean Sea, a level almost four times higher than that of the island of plastic in the Ocean. Peaceful.
It should be noted that when these microplastics enter the food chain, they threaten a large number of animal species, including humans.
In Europe, we produce an enormous amount of plastic waste, most of which is sent to landfills and as a result millions of tons of plastics end up in the Mediterranean Sea every year.
However, plastic pollution is too pervasive to be solved by just one continent, one government or one industry sector, and it affects us all.
Only by acting together can we rid our oceans, rivers, cities, and lives of unnecessary plastic.
These measures include:
Firstly, the adoption of an international and legally binding agreement to eliminate the dumping of plastics in the oceans, which is supported by strong national targets to reach 100% recycled and reusable plastics by 2030 and secondly, more national bans to disposable plastics, such as bags.
At the Hotel Bell Repòs we are committed to a more sustainable world
At the Hotel Bell Repòs we have encouraged a campaign to stop using plastic bottles, with which we are saving 6,020 bottles each year, plus the plastic bottles that customers bought at the supermarket or elsewhere.